Your NFT's are safe & secure in StripperVille
ERC721 is a token on Ethereum for Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT). Fungible means interchangeable and replaceable so something like Bitcoin would be considered fungible as any Bitcoin can replace another Bitcoin. Each NFT, on the other hand, is completely unique. Each StripperVille NFT will be utilizing the ERC-721 Token.
StripperVille is a ERC-721 NFT on the Ethereum Blockchain. A game where your NFTs can earn for you weekly.
Ready for a fun and exciting new game?
StripperVille is an NFT project consisting of 3,000 X-Generation NFT´s that are Strippers. These Strippers are a lot more than meets the eye. You will be able to put your Strippers to work in one of the 10 X-Generation Strip clubs and watch as they work and earn that juicy $STRIP coin! Each week you will get the chance to place your Stripper in one of these clubs. Compete to be the best earner in order to climb the leader board and secure that position at the top for a chance to receive many rewards.
The NFT´s are stored as ERC-721 tokens and are hosted on the IPFS. All NFT´s are artistically created by more than five artists to bring a variety of uniqueness to the project. With a combination of over 100 different items and using customizable add-ons and features, this art will truly be unique, allowing for endless combinations of traits.
There will only ever be 3,000 NFT´s released in X-Generation. In due course, there will be a release for Y Generation and Z Generation which will also consist of 3,000 NFT´s each. As we are relying on the strength of this community, we will be letting the community choose the release date of both Generations which will follow the Genesis X Generation.
The NFT' s will have two MAJOR forms of attributes: the Artist and the "Earn" attribute which will state what your Stripper can earn in the StripperVille Strip Club weekly game.
Besides the traits mentioned above, we will be releasing exciting new traits that you will be able to add to your Stripper, these will range anywhere from handbags to boob jobs, even make up! We will be releasing a whole series of interactive add-ons you can use to customize your stripper to compete for the number 1 spot!
Why Strippers? Why StripperVille?
We have performed extensive market research to achieve the most unique and perfected user experience possible. Besides meticulously studying the various play to earn games which exist, we decided to interact with the communities themselves. This has led to us gaining unspeakable knowledge on what the current market is missing. Our project is venturing where no other project has ventured before, combining the adult industry (in a fiction type manner, with no nudity whatsoever) with NFT's in a playable and earnable manner.
Being based on the blockchain and playable only with ERC-721 NFT´s gives StripperVille a unique, simple and cost-effective way of creating a playable and earnable game.
The current choices for NFT´s are repetitive, they lack a unique selling point. That is why we have spared no expenses in creating a fully interactive ecosystem equipped with Strip Clubs, Strippers, Thieves and more. The ability to “put your Stripper to work” allows you to choose a place of work for that week and earn $STRIP coin. Strip Club owners will earn $STRIP coin as well, so long as their Strip Club is at the top of the weekly rankings. The eventual release of Thieves and Regular Customers will introduce a whole new aspect to the game and will require strategy to get you out of tight situations!
This style of NFT has never been done before and we have spared no expense in releasing a new, fun, interactive and all-round unique project, StripperVille.
Key components of the game and how it works.
Within weeks after our drop, we will be releasing the game. It will be easy to play, fun and lucrative, as this is how your NFT´s will earn their value!
- Stripper
Once every week, on a specified day, NFT owners may choose where their Strippers work that week simply by selecting a number from 1 to 10 on our website. At the end of every work week there will be rewards given to the top earning Strippers who chose the correct Strip Club for that week!
Thieves will do absolutely anything in their power to take the hard-earned cash away from the Strippers. Strategy to avoid the Thieves will be a key element in the game. More insight on the way the Thieves will be used in game play will be revealed soon. However, they will take $STRIP coin winnings from Strip Clubs.
-Regular Loyal Customers ("Regulars")
These characters will be an important element to the game as they will be the ones splashing the most cash. Regulars act as a 3x multiplier on your weekly earnings, this could turn a bad week into a surprisingly good one! Also if you didn’t have any luck minting your Stripper NFT with a great “earn” trait, this could be a way for you to get lucky on a weekly basis and earn more than you expected. Regulars only come around for one week and then they go away.
There will be a total of 10 Strip Clubs released in X Generation. Once every week, on a specified day, NFT owners may choose where their Strippers work that week simply by selecting a number from 1 to 10 on our website. At the end of every work week there will be rewards given to the best earning Strip Clubs. This will vary from week to week, for example on one week there might only be a 1st place reward, and on other weeks a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd will reward. The most common and to begin the game in week 1, the top 5 Strip Clubs will place and earn $STRIP coin.
The Strip Club game winners that week will be rewarded with the exclusive $STRIP token. This project is a more simplistic way to stake and pool without having to take on the unnecessary risk, the gas fees, and the complexities. All you have to do is pick a number from 1-10 each week and your NFTs will earn!
Sometime after launch we will be releasing our add-ons! The add-ons will range from items such as lipstick, make up, Botox, boob jobs, and many other items. These will allow you to truly customize your Stripper they way you like! The only way to purchase the additional items would be purchasing with $STRIP Coin directly through Strip Store. These add-ons will create a fully customizable experience, using the name change and your favorite items you can truly create a unique Stripper in a way you think will make you the most $$$$!
Earn = The value the Stripper was minted with, which will be a number between 70-100.
Regular Customers = Multiplier for 1 week only which shall be 3x the “earn” value of a Stripper for that week. It can be purchased or won by any Community Member who owns a Stripper NFT.
Score = The total of all the Earn values of Strippers in a certain Strip Club that week, which includes any Multipliers/Regular Customers.
$STRIP = The Strip Coin of StripperVille. You will be awarded $STRIP when you mint equal to the Strippers’ Earn value. This coin will be used for the weekly game, for prizes, and to buy wearables, etc.
Strippers = your StripperVille NFT.
Thieves = This is the Villain in the Strip Club Game. It can be purchased or won by any Community Member to be used only once for that week. Thieves take away $STRIP coins only from the winning Strip Clubs. They do not affect the weekly scores of the Strip Clubs nor do they take away $STRIP from the Strippers.
Work Fee = The amount you pay weekly to enter the Strip Club game and work at a Strip Club.
$STRIP coin and this Project along with its weekly game do not constitute a purchase of any security. This coin is intended to be a utility token to participate in the game.
$STRIP coins issued by StripperVille may drop substantially in value and/or may remain illiquid for long periods of time or indefinitely. StripperVille cannot guarantee an active secondary market for the exchange of $STRIP coin or NFT´s.
We are not financial advisors and in no way intend to be. Investing is always risky, do your own research prior to purchasing and never spend more than you are willing to lose.
Participation is solely at your own risk. StripperVille is not liable for any damages, expenses, or losses which may or may not have arisen from the use of our services. Please exercise caution with cryptographic assets and do not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. No persons under the age of 18 are permitted to purchase.
We in no way, shape or form endorse any form of discrimination or sexism and merely intend to provide an entertainment platform. YOU MUST check your local jurisdiction for the laws, tax regulations and policies around NFTs and Crypto Currency amongst other things. It is your responsibility to do this prior to participating. By participating you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions.
Why do you want $STRIP Coin?
The $STRIP Coin is an ERC-20 token stored on the Ethereum Blockchain. 500,000,000 coins were minted. Immediately upon minting a Stripper NFT each and every owner will be assigned $STRIP Coins based on the “Earn” value that the NFT is minted with. Each and every week, Stripper NFTs will Earn $STRIP Coin based on their “Earn” value. In addition, each week 250,000 additional $STRIP Coins will be given out to NFT Holders by means of the Strip Club game. This $STRIP Coin is a utility Coin to be used in StripperVille and is not a security (Please see Disclosure below). The Coin uses a method of distribution founded by StripperVille but subject to change at any time by the Coin holders. Each and every week StripperVille will have items to purchase, including but not limited to Rare NFTs, Additional rewards and badges, wearables, Thieves, and Regular Customers. Each item will be sold with $STRIP Coin. Every Coin received by StripperVille after the Strippers are minted will be burned forever to reduce the supply of $STRIP Coin. In addition, all Work Fees received by StripperVille will be burned. The deflationary tokenomics squeeze supply all while having fun and while the community, the brand and the NFT holders all boost the demand. This token shall serve as a something of value on the blockchain in a decentralized manner.
We will also be adding fun and exciting challenges to compete for. The challenges will vary week by week keeping everyone guessing.
Examples of challenges are:
- Avoiding the Thieves the most amount of times
- First Stripper NFT to reach 100,000 $STRIP Coins
- Placing in the top 3, 5 weeks in a row
Winners of these challenges can receive one of several rewards:
- unique ultra-rare Stripper related NFT's
- $STRIP coin prizes
- Ethereum prizes
How you earn $STRIP Coin
Each week Strippers who enter the Strip Club (times and days to enter will be on Discord and our Website) will automatically receive their amount of Earn. In addition, the Strippers that enter the Strip Club game that achieve the highest score that week and place in the weekly rankings will also get awarded $STRIP coins. See the math model for the breakdown of the Strip Club game.
Every week we will announce prior the start of the game and how many places will be awarded $STRIP coin. The most common weekly competition will pay the 5 Strip Clubs with the highest Scores. They will be rewarded each week for receiving the highest score. How do we calculate the score?
The Score will be determined by adding up each Strippers’ “Earn” value in each Strip Club versus the others. In the following sections more is explained about the standard earnings of a Stripper, the extra variable earnings Strippers can earn per week and the various dependencies that influence the variable pay-outs. Don’t forget that Multipliers/Regular Customers are included in this total.
Every minted Stripper comes with a one-time pay-out of 70 to a 100 $STRIP coins. This amount will get you started in StripperVille for the first week. Thereafter, each Stripper will get paid their Earn value each week and if they enter the Strip Club game they have a shot at earning more $STRIP coin. However, the total amount of coins Strippers earn for the week depends on the Strip Club they are working in.
To enable your Stripper to work, you will have to pay a Work Fee. The Work Fee will always be less than your weekly Earn. Strippers whom work in Strip Clubs which have scored the highest will get bonuses. The following example will provide a better understanding of the extra earnings that can be made from the Strip Club game.
All 3,000 Strippers enter a Strip Club. The Avg earn has nothing to do with the game. It was just easier to do the math here instead of adding up 300+ totals for each Strip Club to determine the winner. The totals don’t exactly add up to 250,000 (this was for rounding purposes).
Club #
Qty Strippers
Avg Earn
StripperVille is going to put up 250,000 extra $STRIP Coins for the weekly games.
Club #4 is the best performing Club with the highest score earned that week based on the above example. This Club receives 40% of all earnings, the runners-up 30%, 15%, 10% and 5%. In the following example you will see that Strippers will earn an extra 36.29 to 214.29 coins extra. Please see the previous schedule for information about the best performing Clubs, their average earnings and the total amount of Strippers. Take note that just because the Strip Club you are in placed the highest for the week, it doesn’t mean that those Strippers will earn the most additional Coin. In this example, 2nd place earned more than 1st place because less Strippers split the prize pool for the week. The reason this is possible is to avoid everyone communicating on Discord and deciding to go into the same Strip Club.
This would be the extra earning if life on StripperVille would be fair. Unfortunately, there are always conniving characters looking for a quick buck.
So, Strippers have standard earnings and are able to get those extra juicy $Strip coins if they work in the right Clubs. However, working in a Strip Club could be dangerous, or even more rewarding!. Maybe a Regular Customer is around to help boost sales or a Thief comes into your Strip Club and steals some money.
Thieves and Regulars (otherwise known as “Boosters”) are purchased in auctions or can be won in raffles throughout the week. Both can only be used once and are placed on the Strip Club of the purchaser/raffle winner’s choosing.
A Thief will take 10% earnings from a Strip Club if they choose a Strip Club that places in the weekly game. The choice of which Strip Club to steal from must be made when Strippers choose which Strip Club they want to work in. Across the 250,000 $STRIP Coins per week given to Strippers and Strip Club owners a thief will take 10% of the portion of the 250,000 that is given to a Strip Club that has won that week. For example, club #6 (which took 3rd place this week) received 33,750 $STRIP coin. If the Thief chose Strip Club #6 to steal from, the Thief would take 3,375 coins away (10%) from the Strip Club and Strippers. Of the 10% stolen, the Thief owner would keep 1% for themselves and the other 9% would get burned! The person who used the Thief on the Strip Club would, in this scenario, receive 337.5 Strip Coin. NOTE: multiple Thieves can be used on the same Strip Club making them split the 1% taken. Continuing with the above example if 3 people all chose the same week to use a Thief on Strip Club #6 they each would receive 1/3 of the 337.5 coins that a Thief would normally receive. Note: If the owner of a Thief chose Strip Club #9 (or any other Strip Club that did not place for the week), the Thief would get nothing and the Strip Club game would not be affected.
Strippers love their Regulars! And Regulars love their favorite Strippers! And the good news is that these Regulars tip well. When someone chooses to use their Regular booster, it will triple that Strippers' income for the week. These extra $STRIP Coins will be awarded directly to the Stripper and will not be taken from the 250,000 coins being distributed for that week.
The Regular’s influence on the Stripper's earning will have an effect on the best performing Strip Clubs when determining the top scores for the week and will help boost the total score, giving the Strip Club a higher chance to place for the week.